Friday, March 12, 2010

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Okay so Hannah has been busy with school and everything else that she hasn't read this one yet(along with the other pile of books that i let her borrow). So I will be doing this review solo.

*What if the person you were ment to be with could never be yours?*

This book follows the main character Luce Price as she is entering Sword & Cross reform school for reasons that you will learn later in the book. it doesnt take long for Luce to meet Daniel Grigori, a mysterious boy at Sword & Cross that flicks her off before even saying a word to her. but still she is strangly drawn to him and cant help but feel like they have met before and he wants nothing to do with her. there is also Cam another love interest for Luce but is much more willing than Daniel. And not to mention that Luce sees Shadows and she doesn't know why.
I really liked this book but it wasn't amazing. I loved it after i finished it but now looking back I see that the plot is fairly obvious(except the mystery on why she is at S&C). I wish the first chapter wasn't there that is set in 1854. because with this chapter I feel like that i gives a lot away that you could other wise try and figure out on your own, which i would have prefered. But if you like really really cute romantic moments and some guessing on what is really going on with Daniel and Cam. i recommend this book. It is a fast read with big font so it only took me like a day and a half.
And on a side note... if you have read the Evermore series(which i will be reviewing soon) Ever(pre-immortal) and Luce are very similiar...
I am really looking forward to the next installment Torment because i know that usually the first books are just set ups for the next ones and i have really high hopes for it. I just wish it wasn't coming out in September... too long to wait.
Until next time...
"Luce... Lucifer... Any realation?"

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